This weekend, I met up with an incredible photographer named Ethan Watts! He was in Rexburg shooting a wedding, so he asked if I would like to meet up and model for him. Of course I have been following his work for a while, and love being in front as well as behind the camera, so I agreed. Of course, as a photographer myself, I made sure to take some pictures of him while I was at it ;) Here are a few from the shoot. There will also be a few more on my flickr in the next little while ( Hope you like them!
I had a little photoshoot with some friends of mine from my apartment complex yesterday evening. The light was incredible and the field we went to was absolutely gorgeous. The girls were so much fun to shoot and we had a lot of fun. Enjoy! The work? ;P
I took photos of a family friend and her beautiful daughter Ella yesterday! Both mother and daughter are absolutely gorgeous and being able to photograph them was such a pleasure. Here are a few photos from our shoot: We found this gorgeous idea for incorporating an old dresser into the garden!
For those of you who requested to see, here are the photos I turned in for my portfolio for the BFA program at my school! The BFA is the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program at my school, which I will have just been accepted into, and will be doing with my emphasis in photography. Wish me luck!