Monday, April 7, 2014

I Lost my Head in San Francisco, Pt. 2

Our second day in the Bay Area was the second most photographed day of the week. David and I set off to Alcatraz Island! I'd been wanting to go there for years, and I figured that this would be the perfect opportunity.

The day started off perfectly overcast and chilly, which couldn't be better for a day spent in one of the creepiest places on earth. There's really something about San Francisco on an overcast day that gets me really happy. I don't even understand it.

There are so many places on Alcatraz Island that I would give anything to shoot at! I imagined so many beautiful scenes I could create with the deteriorating architecture on the prison grounds. I'll have to make that happen someday ;)

I'm sure David and I annoyed about half of the visitors on the tour with our antics, but we were having too much fun to care. David, especially.

We even got stamps to commemorate the day. (As seen below)

Our friend Ashley let me borrow her 10-22mm lens, and I was dying over it. I really need that lens now!

David is king of the world.

We made a new friend. I forgot what we named it. Probably Harold or something like that.

San Francisco really is one of my favorite cities in the world. It's gorgeous on any kind of day, rain or shine, but I think I like it on overcast days most. 

Part 3 (and the final installment) of this past week's adventures coming soon!

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