Sunday, May 11, 2014

To the most beautiful woman in the world

Growing up, I thought my mom was the most beautiful woman on earth.
And I'm not talking about the way that every little girl thinks that her mom is the prettiest woman in the world--I would literally compare my mom to other women and think, "She's definitely prettier than that lady." I legitimately thought that no one could compare to her. 
As far as I was concerned, my mom was perfect.
As the years have gone by, of course, I've come to realize that my mother isn't a supermodel, that many woman are just as beautiful if not more beautiful than her, and that she is imperfect in many ways. However, that knowledge has never stopped me from thinking that she is one of the most beautiful women I know. 

I'm not just talking about looks here. I mean, yeah her skin is gorgeous and her hair is always perfectly done and yeah, she looks amazing in pretty much everything she ever wears. But besides that, my mother is beautiful for many reasons that would take a lot more than one blog post to list. 
But, seeing as today is Mother's Day, I'd like to take a moment to name a few.

My mother is beautiful because she is selfless. 
My mom has always put others before herself. She has taught me to love other people and to serve those who need a helping hand, without thinking of what I can get in return. My mother has cooked countless meals for hundreds upon hundreds of people over the years, and is always willing to drop what she is doing to make an ice cream pie or a delicious roast or even cookies for those who need a pick-me-up. At college, she would send me packages in the mail all the time for no reason other than because she thought I could use something to brighten my day. Often, there was even something nice for my roommates as well.

My mother is beautiful because she is smart.
My mom gave up years of her life to school my siblings and I in our home when public education had failed us. She stayed up late putting together lesson plans, she spent thousands of dollars on books and other learning materials, science and art kits, singing lessons, piano lessons, etc. She took us to plays and museums and national parks, and spent hours upon hours to ensure that we received the best education we could. She got us through middle school and high school, and she got all of my siblings into notable universities. She taught us to think for ourselves, to develop our talents, and to chase after our dreams. She is the one who helped me to develop my love for travel and for art--both of which have permanently altered the course of my life for the better. She is the smartest woman I know, and she could have had any career she wanted--but she chose to teach us instead, and I will be forever grateful for that.

My mother is beautiful because she loves herself.
My mom knows who she is, and she knows her potential. My mom understands her role in society, in church, in our family, and in life. My mom takes care of her body, and taught us to do the same by eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining an active lifestyle. Of course from time to time, my mom gets down on herself for her flaws, as everyone does, but she knows how to pick herself up again and continue living a happy, positive life.  

My mother is beautiful because she loves her family.
My mom has taught me how to love in so many countless ways. She has shown us our love for our father, and she has taught me the way I should treat my husband when I am blessed to marry someday. She has shown me how she expects to be treated by him as well, which reminds me to never allow men to treat me badly. She loves her children with all of her heart, and would do anything for any of us. She has spent so many hours on long phone calls with my siblings and I, comforting us when we needed comfort, and giving us advice when we felt lost and confused. My mother knows that her family is the most important thing in her world, and she makes sure we feel that love every day.

My mother is beautiful because she loves God.
My mom has a relationship with our Heavenly Father that I can only hope to develop in my life. I have found her on her knees in countless situations, pouring out her heart to Him when she needed help, thanking Him for her blessings, and simply speaking to Him as a close confidant. She knows who God expects her to be, and she lives a good, righteous life because of that knowledge. She has taught my family to pray, to love our Father in Heaven, to attend church every Sunday, and live up to all our religious responsibilities. I have no doubt that God loves her just as much as she loves Him.

My mother is beautiful because she has given me a good life.
I can never repay my mom for the sacrifices that she has made for me throughout my life. Her influence in my life is unending, and I am the luckiest person in the world to be her daughter. 
My mother has taught me to live, to dream, to work, to give, to cry, to laugh, to smile, to love, and someday, I hope to pass on those values to my own daughters. 
My mother is the most beautiful woman I know, and I will never stop believing that.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Today, and every day.

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