Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 2: Storm

I apologize for the less than exciting photo for day 2. I was literally on campus all day today and hardly had anytime to get home and snap a picture before the sun went down--whatever sun there was anyhow.
I love storms though. I think there's something about them that really amaze me. For me, they bring back memories of my childhood, when I would hide in the closet during thunderstorms with my hands over my ears, waiting for the noise to stop. Since then I've come to love storms a lot more than I did then, and everytime a storm hits, I get excited and stare out the window at the clouds and the rain. It's a nice feeling, I think.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE STORMS. Thunder and lightning and rain and hail and dark and light and wind. And the smell. Stormy days will always be my favourite days.


