Thursday, October 17, 2013

How strange to be anything at all

Last weekend, my friends Jess and Taylor and I took off on a spontaneous photography roadtrip to Salt Lake City! Jess and I are in a portrait photography class together, and Taylor is working on his final portfolio for his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, so we thought what could be better than to take a couple of days off and get some real shooting in! I have been craving a fun styled shoot for a few months now, ever since getting back from the Oregon Flickr Meetup, so this was just what I needed. 

I asked my drop-dead gorgeous friend Alex Lovin (whom I met on my European tour last year) to model for us, and she was so excited and willing to help us out! I could not have asked for a better model, and I'm so glad she was able to join us. I mean, look at her, you guys. Sheesh, she's stunning. (Emma Watson lookalike anyone? Or Lana Del Rey? You decide.)

Our original plan was to go out towards the Bonneville Salt Flats, but once we reached The Great Salt Lake, we decided to go no further, and shoot there to our heart's content. It was the perfect location for the ideas we had in mind! Such a beautiful day.

I really loved doing the fashion shoot with Alex, because that's not something I commonly do. I really would love to do more fashion-directed work in the future though, because that's something I can see myself doing when I move to a big city (maybe New York? We'll see...) Of course, I had to put Alex in a dress for some more fine art/conceptual images that I had in mind :) 

I am so glad we did that roadtrip to Salt Lake City! I took so many photos over the weekend, and it really got me excited about photography again. I'd been in a bit of a slump lately as far as creating art was concerned, and this is exactly what I needed to get me back into the swing of things and re-inspire me to create. Thank you, Alex, for letting us photograph your gorgeousness ;) 

(P.S. If you'd like to get a better look at the photos, please click on the images to view them larger. They're much prettier that way.)